Student Ministry

The goal of the student ministry of South Side Baptist church is to glorify Jesus Christ specifically through 6th-12th grade students and their families. We will seek to accomplish this by equipping parents to disciple their students and engaging students with the Word of God each week. We long to see students and their families trust Jesus and follow after him in lifelong obedience to his commands. Below are the typical events that take place within the life of our church that are specifically intended to accomplish these goals.

Sunday Mornings

9:00am | Bible Study

This time is designed to give students a broad understanding of the whole Bible.

10:45am | Worship Service

This is the highlight of the week at South Side Baptist Church and is an emphasis for the student ministry. Christians gather every week to sing the Word, pray the Word, preach the Word, and see the Word in communion and baptism. We encourage families and their students to participate together and then discuss what they hear and see during this time.

Wednesday Nights 

6:00pm | Midweek

On Wednesday nights we have a time of singing, teaching, and responding through small groups. We seek to call students follow Jesus Christ by teaching through whole books of the bible. We then split up into discussion groups where students ask questions and consider how they should apply what the bible says to their lives. Students are encouraged to invite their friends so they may also come to know Jesus Christ.

Special Events

From time to time, we will host or attend an event outside of our normal schedule (camp, concert, Discipleship Now, etc.). These are meant to be times of intentional discipleship and fun to help shape the faith of our students.
Please check our Events page to see if we have any upcoming Student events.

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